Secure Cloud

It is possible to secure public and private cloud

Securing cloud for your public, private, AWS or Azure environments

We have the services, solutions and products that can secure your cloud against modern cyber threats. We enhance the security provided by the cloud’s firewall, and user management systems with technology both in your environment and in our cloud that forms a safe, compliant, secure and monitored cloud environment for your key data and applications.


Reviews and advice from the security exports to meet  your compliance needs


Monitoring cloud, user, security and  application events against a global threat database


24/7 security experts watching your environment;on alert for attacks and breaches.


Encryption, hardening, end-point security, scanning and more.


A globally recognised threat and event dashboard customised for you.

Monitoring and alerting better then AWS

AWS hase some fantastic inbuilt security functions and monitoring, however, to correctly deploy and configure these functions can be daunting. We utilised these functions as part of a whole-of-security approach to ensure your AWS environment is secure, your data safe and uptime is not compromised.  Key features of a secure AWS cloud include:

Enhanced Firewall Security

The inbuilt firewall functions within AWS do work well, however they are limited in the information they can feed to a security and event monitoring platform.  We add an additional firewall layer that provides these details along with modern UTM capability.

API integration/CloudTrail support

It is possible to use AWS’s own API as a method to attack on your environment, gaining access to data and control functions. Thankfully reporting and control is available on these components, but this can be a huge amount of data to manage, but it is easily integrated into the SIEM-as-a-Service offering.

Endpoint Protection

Each instance in your environment should have end-point protection. This security layer on the server itself not only protects against common attacks such as viruses or malware, but also provides the necessary event logging back to the SIEM.


Based in the cloud, the SIEM-as-a-Service, captures all of the events and log data in your AWS environment and provides analysis and detection of security incidents.


We provide the 24×7 security analytics, threat intelligence, and active event monitoring needed to deliver actionable alert notifications back to you and your IT team personally.

Monitoring and alerting better than Microsoft Azure

Based on Microsoft technology, a lot of the Azure security features are tried and true in the industry, but it also means that a large number of attack vectors exist in Microsoft solutions.  We can enhance the existing protection and provide no so well knon ‘non-Microsoft’ solutions to protect your Azure cloud security.

Enhanced Firewall Security

The inbuilt firewall functions within Azure work well, however they are limited in the information they can feed to a security and event monitoring platform.  We add an additional firewall layer that provides these details along with modern UTM capability.

API integration/Active Directory Integration

We can link in to the API and AD components of your Azure environment that will bring back a large and useful amount of data to the  SIEM-as-a-Service offering.

Endpoint Protection

Each instance in your environment should have end-point protection. This security layer on the server itself not only protects against common attacks such as viruses or malware, but also provides the necessary event logging back to the SIEM.


Based in the cloud, the SIEM-as-a-Service, captures all of the events and log data in your Azure environment and provides analysis and detection of security incidents.


We provide the 24×7 security analytics, threat intelligence, and active SOC monitoring needed to deliver actionable alert notifications back to you and your IT team personally.

Private Cloud Security based on VMWare technology

Many private hosting or cloud environments are based on VMWare technology, with ESXi hosts, vSphere, vCentre and even vCloud in control of these environments. However, security has not been a focus of these environments as they were typically internal or private solutions, but with these connected to both the internet and corporate networks, security is as important as ever. We can assist with:

Firewall Monitoring

We can utilise your existing firewalls to take information from them and bring that into the SIEM-as-a-Service offering to help protect and monitor your environment.

Active Directory Integration

We can link in to the AD or AAA components of your  environment, capturing user activity and authentication information to integrate into the SIEM.

Endpoint Protection

Each instance in your environment should have end-point protection. This security layer on the server itself not only protects against common attacks such as viruses or malware, but also provides the necessary event logging back to the SIEM.


Based in the cloud, the SIEM-as-a-Service captures all of the events and log data in your Azure environment and provides analysis and detection of security incidents.


We provide the 24×7 security analytics, threat intelligence, and active SOC monitoring needed to deliver actionable alert notifications back to you and your IT team personally.

But my data is safe in the cloud

Get Safe Now

Many cloud providers claim compliance such as PCI, which can seem like they are secure.  However, when you look deeper into this compliance, they are saying that the cloud platform and management layers are secure, NOT your environment, as that is up to you to configure.

Cloud environments needs the same, if not more, attention to security than your internal IT systems.  By definition, they have Internet access, which is the most likely attack vector.  The firewall solutions are likely based on simple IP security tables, free for you to use, and often just a single password can give immediate access to your server console, or it can copy your data immediately to another country.

Don’t trust the cloud providers security wholeheartedly, enhance it with our solutions to make it as secure as possible.

Solving the cloud security challenge

Secure cloud provides peace of mind, knowing that the security experts are watching your environment.

  • Industry leading security monitoring and management

  • Best practice security processes

  • Event analysis, prioritisation and alerting

  • Supplement your existing security skills

  • Round the clock monitoring

  • Cloud based/cloud speed

  • Real people/real discussions

Secure cloud. Cloud based and at cloud Speed

With Security Operation Centres (SOC’s) based around the world operating in the cloud, they can work efficiently and effectively to protect your cloud environment.  All analysis is performed in the cloud, and not in your environments so that events can pass at cloud speed from the device to the operator. This enables the SOC to reduce its foot print in your environment, and reduce the time-to-respond to incidents and actionable security events. Ultimately this is improved reliability, performances but does so efficiently, so it is much more cost effective them onsite implementations of a Security Operations Centre.

For more information, contact us

    See our other Products and Services


    See how SIEM-as-a-Service Works

    Managed Firewalls

    See how SIEM-as-a-Service Works


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    Device Management

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